
It is not recommended to give kambo to anyone with heart problems, or who has had bypass surgery. The reason for this is that the heart rate will increase for about 5 minutes and the heart must be healthy to accommodate this.

Kambo is not recommended for pregnant women or women who are breast feeding, nor the elderly, people with Addison’s disease, anyone on chemotherapy, or with high blood pressure , those with very low blood pressure, or the severely ill.

If you have allergy to :

Kambo’s Peptide Cocktail

When scientists analyzed the chemical makeup of the Phyllomedusa bicolor’s venom, they found it contained new peptides with exciting beneficial effects on the human body.

The top 8 are:

Dermorphin — a potent mu-opioid receptor agonist.

Deltorphin — a very potent delta-opioid receptor agonist. (Dermorphin and Deltorphin are 4000 times stronger than morphine and 40 times stronger than endogenic b-endorphines. (1).

Phyllomedusin — a tachykinin which affects the salivary glands, tear ducts, intestines, and bowels; it contracts the smooth muscles, and contributes to violent purging.

Phyllokinin (and phyllomedusin) — potent blood vessel dilators that also increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier.

Phyllocaerulein — which stimulates the adrenal cortex and the pituitary gland, causes a fall in blood pressure, causes tachycardia, and has a potent action on the gastrointestinal smooth muscle, and stimulates gastric, biliary and pancreatic secretions.

Sauvagine — which stimulates the adrenal cortex, causes a long lasting fall in blood pressure, and causes intense tachycardia.

Adenoregulin — acts on the adenosine receptors.

Dermaseptin — a potent antimicrobial for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and antiviral for herpes simplex virus.Sapo venom has been analyzed by scientists and is shown to contain many peptides that are beneficial to the body.

(1) Kambô: Scientific Research and Healing Treatments by Giovanni Lattanzi